Source code for pytreeclass._src.tree_util

# Copyright 2023 pytreeclass authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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"""Utility functions for pytrees."""

from __future__ import annotations

import functools as ft
import operator as op
from copy import copy
from math import ceil, floor, trunc
from typing import Any, Callable, Hashable, Iterator, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar

from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

from pytreeclass._src.backend import arraylib, treelib

T = TypeVar("T")
T1 = TypeVar("T1")
T2 = TypeVar("T2")
P = ParamSpec("P")
PyTree = Any
EllipsisType = TypeVar("EllipsisType")
KeyEntry = TypeVar("KeyEntry", bound=Hashable)
TypeEntry = TypeVar("TypeEntry", bound=type)
TraceEntry = Tuple[KeyEntry, TypeEntry]
KeyPath = Tuple[KeyEntry, ...]
TypePath = Tuple[TypeEntry, ...]
KeyTypePath = Tuple[KeyPath, TypePath]

def tree_hash(*trees: PyTree) -> int:
    leaves, treedef = treelib.tree_flatten(trees)
    return hash((*leaves, treedef))

def tree_copy(tree: T) -> T:
    """Return a copy of the tree."""
    return treelib.tree_map(lambda x: copy(x), tree)

def _is_leaf_rhs_equal(leaf, rhs) -> bool | arraylib.ndarray:
    if isinstance(leaf, arraylib.ndarray):
        if isinstance(rhs, arraylib.ndarray):
            if leaf.shape != rhs.shape:
                return False
            if leaf.dtype != rhs.dtype:
                return False
                return bool(verdict := arraylib.all(leaf == rhs))
            except Exception:
                return verdict  # fail under `jit`
        return False
    return leaf == rhs

[docs]def is_tree_equal(*trees: Any) -> bool | arraylib.ndarray: """Return ``True`` if all pytrees are equal. Note: trees are compared using their leaves and treedefs. Note: Under boolean ``Array`` if compiled otherwise ``bool``. """ tree0, *rest = trees leaves0, treedef0 = treelib.tree_flatten(tree0) verdict = True for tree in rest: leaves, treedef = treelib.tree_flatten(tree) if (treedef != treedef0) or verdict is False: return False verdict = ft.reduce(op.and_, map(_is_leaf_rhs_equal, leaves0, leaves), verdict) return verdict
class Partial: """``Partial`` function with support for positional partial application. Args: func: The function to be partially applied. args: Positional arguments to be partially applied. use ``...`` as a placeholder for positional arguments. kwargs: Keyword arguments to be partially applied. Example: >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> def f(a, b, c): ... print(f"a: {a}, b: {b}, c: {c}") ... return a + b + c >>> # positional arguments using `...` placeholder >>> f_a = tc.Partial(f, ..., 2, 3) >>> f_a(1) a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 6 >>> # keyword arguments >>> f_b = tc.Partial(f, b=2, c=3) >>> f_a(1) a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 6 Note: - The ``...`` is used to indicate a placeholder for positional arguments. - """ __slots__ = ["func", "args", "kwargs", "__weakref__"] # type: ignore def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): self.func = func self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: iargs = iter(args) args = (next(iargs) if arg is ... else arg for arg in self.args) # type: ignore return self.func(*args, *iargs, **{**self.kwargs, **kwargs}) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Partial({self.func}, {self.args}, {self.kwargs})" def __hash__(self) -> int: return tree_hash(self) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return is_tree_equal(self, other) treelib.register_static(Partial)
[docs]def bcmap( func: Callable[P, T], *, is_leaf: Callable[[Any], bool] | None = None, ) -> Callable[P, T]: """Map a function over pytree leaves with automatic broadcasting for scalar arguments. Args: func: the function to be mapped over the pytree is_leaf: a predicate function that returns True if the node is a leaf Example: >>> import jax >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> import functools as ft >>> @tc.autoinit ... @tc.leafwise ... class Test(tc.TreeClass): ... a: tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 2, 3) ... b: tuple[int, int, int] = (4, 5, 6) ... c: jax.Array = jnp.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> tree = Test() >>> # 0 is broadcasted to all leaves of the pytree >>> print(tc.bcmap(jnp.where)(tree > 1, tree, 0)) Test(a=(0, 2, 3), b=(4, 5, 6), c=[0 2 3]) >>> print(tc.bcmap(jnp.where)(tree > 1, 0, tree)) Test(a=(1, 0, 0), b=(0, 0, 0), c=[1 0 0]) >>> # 1 is broadcasted to all leaves of the list pytree >>> tc.bcmap(lambda x, y: x + y)([1, 2, 3], 1) [2, 3, 4] >>> # trees are summed leaf-wise >>> tc.bcmap(lambda x, y: x + y)([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) [2, 4, 6] >>> # Non scalar second args case >>> try: ... tc.bcmap(lambda x, y: x + y)([1, 2, 3], [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]) ... except TypeError as e: ... print(e) unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list' >>> # using **numpy** functions on pytrees >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> tc.bcmap(jnp.add)([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) # doctest: +SKIP [2, 4, 6] """ @ft.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0: # positional arguments are passed the argument to be compare # the tree structure with is the first argument leaves0, treedef0 = treelib.tree_flatten(args[0], is_leaf=is_leaf) masked_args = [...] masked_kwargs = {} leaves = [leaves0] leaves_keys = [] for arg in args[1:]: _, argdef = treelib.tree_flatten(arg) if treedef0 == argdef: masked_args += [...] leaves += [treedef0.flatten_up_to(arg)] else: masked_args += [arg] else: # only kwargs are passed the argument to be compare # the tree structure with is the first kwarg key0 = next(iter(kwargs)) leaves0, treedef0 = treelib.tree_flatten(kwargs.pop(key0), is_leaf=is_leaf) masked_args = [] masked_kwargs = {key0: ...} leaves = [leaves0] leaves_keys = [key0] for key in kwargs: _, kwargdef = treelib.tree_flatten(kwargs[key]) if treedef0 == kwargdef: masked_kwargs[key] = ... leaves += [treedef0.flatten_up_to(kwargs[key])] leaves_keys += [key] else: masked_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] bfunc = Partial(func, *masked_args, **masked_kwargs) if len(leaves_keys) == 0: # no kwargs leaves are present, so we can immediately zip return treelib.tree_unflatten(treedef0, [bfunc(*xs) for xs in zip(*leaves)]) # kwargs leaves are present, so we need to zip them kwargnum = len(leaves) - len(leaves_keys) all_leaves = [] for xs in zip(*leaves): xs_args, xs_kwargs = xs[:kwargnum], xs[kwargnum:] all_leaves += [bfunc(*xs_args, **dict(zip(leaves_keys, xs_kwargs)))] return treelib.tree_unflatten(treedef0, all_leaves) name = getattr(func, "__name__", func) docs = f"Broadcasted version of {name}\n{func.__doc__}" wrapper.__doc__ = docs return wrapper
def uop(func): def wrapper(self): return treelib.tree_map(func, self) return ft.wraps(func)(wrapper) def bop(func): def wrapper(leaf, rhs=None): if isinstance(rhs, type(leaf)): return treelib.tree_map(func, leaf, rhs) return treelib.tree_map(lambda x: func(x, rhs), leaf) return ft.wraps(func)(wrapper) def swop(func): # swaping the arguments of a two-arg function return ft.wraps(func)(lambda leaf, rhs: func(rhs, leaf))
[docs]def leafwise(klass: type[T]) -> type[T]: """A class decorator that adds leafwise operators to a class. Leafwise operators are operators that are applied to the leaves of a pytree. For example leafwise ``__add__`` is equivalent to: - ``tree_map(lambda x: x + rhs, tree)`` if ``rhs`` is a scalar. - ``tree_map(lambda x, y: x + y, tree, rhs)`` if ``rhs`` is a pytree with the same structure as ``tree``. Args: klass: The class to be decorated. Returns: The decorated class. Example: >>> # use ``numpy`` functions on :class:`TreeClass`` classes decorated with ``leafwise`` >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> @tc.leafwise ... @tc.autoinit ... class Point(tc.TreeClass): ... x: float = 0.5 ... y: float = 1.0 ... description: str = "point coordinates" >>> # use :func:`tree_mask` to mask the non-inexact part of the tree >>> # i.e. mask the string leaf ``description`` to ``Point`` work >>> # with ``jax.numpy`` functions >>> co = tc.tree_mask(Point()) >>> print(tc.bcmap(jnp.where)(co > 0.5, co, 1000)) Point(x=1000.0, y=1.0, description=#point coordinates) Note: If a mathematically equivalent operator is already defined on the class, then it is not overridden. ================== ============ Method Operator ================== ============ ``__add__`` ``+`` ``__and__`` ``&`` ``__ceil__`` ``math.ceil`` ``__divmod__`` ``divmod`` ``__eq__`` ``==`` ``__floor__`` ``math.floor`` ``__floordiv__`` ``//`` ``__ge__`` ``>=`` ``__gt__`` ``>`` ``__invert__`` ``~`` ``__le__`` ``<=`` ``__lshift__`` ``<<`` ``__lt__`` ``<`` ``__matmul__`` ``@`` ``__mod__`` ``%`` ``__mul__`` ``*`` ``__ne__`` ``!=`` ``__neg__`` ``-`` ``__or__`` ``|`` ``__pos__`` ``+`` ``__pow__`` ``**`` ``__round__`` ``round`` ``__sub__`` ``-`` ``__truediv__`` ``/`` ``__trunc__`` ``math.trunc`` ``__xor__`` ``^`` ================== ============ """ for key, method in ( ("__abs__", uop(abs)), ("__add__", bop(op.add)), ("__and__", bop(op.and_)), ("__ceil__", uop(ceil)), ("__divmod__", bop(divmod)), ("__eq__", bop(op.eq)), ("__floor__", uop(floor)), ("__floordiv__", bop(op.floordiv)), ("__ge__", bop(, ("__gt__", bop(, ("__invert__", uop(op.invert)), ("__le__", bop(op.le)), ("__lshift__", bop(op.lshift)), ("__lt__", bop(, ("__matmul__", bop(op.matmul)), ("__mod__", bop(op.mod)), ("__mul__", bop(op.mul)), ("__ne__", bop(, ("__neg__", uop(op.neg)), ("__or__", bop(op.or_)), ("__pos__", uop(op.pos)), ("__pow__", bop(op.pow)), ("__radd__", bop(swop(op.add))), ("__rand__", bop(swop(op.and_))), ("__rdivmod__", bop(swop(divmod))), ("__rfloordiv__", bop(swop(op.floordiv))), ("__rlshift__", bop(swop(op.lshift))), ("__rmatmul__", bop(swop(op.matmul))), ("__rmod__", bop(swop(op.mod))), ("__rmul__", bop(swop(op.mul))), ("__ror__", bop(swop(op.or_))), ("__round__", bop(round)), ("__rpow__", bop(swop(op.pow))), ("__rrshift__", bop(swop(op.rshift))), ("__rshift__", bop(op.rshift)), ("__rsub__", bop(swop(op.sub))), ("__rtruediv__", bop(swop(op.truediv))), ("__rxor__", bop(swop(op.xor))), ("__sub__", bop(op.sub)), ("__truediv__", bop(op.truediv)), ("__trunc__", uop(trunc)), ("__xor__", bop(op.xor)), ): if key not in vars(klass): # do not override any user defined methods # this behavior similar is to `dataclasses.dataclass` setattr(klass, key, method) return klass
_, atomicdef = treelib.tree_flatten(1) def flatten_one_typed_path_level( typedpath: KeyTypePath, tree: PyTree, is_leaf: Callable[[Any], bool] | None, is_path_leaf: Callable[[KeyTypePath], bool] | None, ): # predicate and type path if (is_leaf and is_leaf(tree)) or (is_path_leaf and is_path_leaf(typedpath)): yield typedpath, tree return one_level_is_leaf = lambda node: False if (id(node) == id(tree)) else True path_leaf, treedef = treelib.tree_path_flatten(tree, is_leaf=one_level_is_leaf) if treedef == atomicdef: yield typedpath, tree return for key, value in path_leaf: keys, types = typedpath path = ((*keys, *key), (*types, type(value))) yield from flatten_one_typed_path_level(path, value, is_leaf, is_path_leaf) def tree_leaves_with_typed_path( tree: PyTree, *, is_leaf: Callable[[Any], bool] | None = None, is_path_leaf: Callable[[KeyTypePath], bool] | None = None, ) -> Sequence[tuple[KeyTypePath, Any]]: # mainly used for visualization return list(flatten_one_typed_path_level(((), ()), tree, is_leaf, is_path_leaf)) class Node: # mainly used for visualization __slots__ = ["data", "parent", "children", "__weakref__"] def __init__( self, data: tuple[TraceEntry, Any], parent: Node | None = None, ): = data self.parent = parent self.children: dict[TraceEntry, Node] = {} def add_child(self, child: Node) -> None: # add child node to this node and set # this node as the parent of the child if not isinstance(child, Node): raise TypeError(f"`child` must be a `Node`, got {type(child)}") ti, __ = if ti not in self.children: # establish parent-child relationship child.parent = self self.children[ti] = child def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Node]: # iterate over children nodes return iter(self.children.values()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Node(data={})" def __contains__(self, key: TraceEntry) -> bool: return key in self.children def is_path_leaf_depth_factory(depth: int | float): # generate `is_path_leaf` function to stop tracing at a certain `depth` # in essence, depth is the length of the trace entry def is_path_leaf(trace) -> bool: keys, _ = trace # stop tracing if depth is reached return False if depth is None else (depth <= len(keys)) return is_path_leaf def construct_tree( tree: PyTree, is_leaf: Callable[[Any], bool] | None = None, is_path_leaf: Callable[[KeyTypePath], bool] | None = None, ) -> Node: # construct a tree with `Node` objects using `tree_leaves_with_typed_path` # to establish parent-child relationship between nodes traces_leaves = tree_leaves_with_typed_path( tree, is_leaf=is_leaf, is_path_leaf=is_path_leaf, ) ti = (None, type(tree)) vi = tree root = Node(data=(ti, vi)) for trace, leaf in traces_leaves: keys, types = trace cur = root for i, ti in enumerate(zip(keys, types)): if ti in cur: # common parent node cur = cur.children[ti] else: # new path vi = leaf if i == len(keys) - 1 else None child = Node(data=(ti, vi)) cur.add_child(child) cur = child return root