Source code for pytreeclass._src.code_build

# Copyright 2023 pytreeclass authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Constructor code generation from type annotations."""

# this modules contains lots of functionality similar to `dataclasses` and attrs.
# however, notable differences are:
# - allow marking fields as positional only, keyword only, variable positional,...
# - allow applying functions on the field values during initialization using descriptors.
# - does not allow mutable defaults.
# - allow registering additional types to be excluded from `autoinit`. e.g. raise an error.
# - only code generation is supported is done. other functionality like `__repr__`,
#   `__eq__`, `__hash__`, etc. are not done here.

# one design choice is that `autoinit` and `Field` are not tightly coupled.
# Field` can be used without `autoinit` as a descriptor to apply functions on
# the field values during initialization. Moreover, `TreeClass` is not coupled with
# `autoinit` or `Field` and can be used without them. this simplifies the code
# by separating the functionality.

from __future__ import annotations

import functools as ft
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, MutableSet
from typing import Any, Literal, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar, Union, get_args

from typing_extensions import dataclass_transform

T = TypeVar("T")
PyTree = Any
EllipsisType = type(Ellipsis)
ArgKindType = Literal["POS_ONLY", "POS_OR_KW", "VAR_POS", "KW_ONLY", "VAR_KW"]
ArgKind = get_args(ArgKindType)

def check_excluded_type(value: T) -> None:

def _(value) -> None:
    raise TypeError(f"Mutable {value=} is not allowed.")

class Null:
    __slots__ = []
    __repr__ = lambda _: "NULL"
    __bool__ = lambda _: False

NULL = Null()

def slots(klass) -> tuple[str, ...]:
    return getattr(klass, "__slots__", ())

class Field:
    """Field placeholder for `autoinit`."""

    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(
        name: str | Null = NULL,
        type: type | Null = NULL,
        default: Any = NULL,
        init: bool = True,
        repr: bool = True,
        kind: ArgKind = "POS_OR_KW",
        metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
        on_setattr: Sequence[Callable[[Any], Any]] = (),
        on_getattr: Sequence[Callable[[Any], Any]] = (),
        alias: str | None = None,
        """Initialize the field attributes.

            name: The field name.
            type: The field type.
            default: The default value of the field.
            init: Whether the field is included in the object's ``__init__`` function.
            repr: Whether the field is included in the object's ``__repr__`` function.
            kind: Argument kind, one of:

                - ``POS_ONLY``: positional only argument (e.g. ``x`` in ``def f(x, /):``)
                - ``VAR_POS``: variable positional argument (e.g. ``*x`` in ``def f(*x):``)
                - ``POS_OR_KW``: positional or keyword argument (e.g. ``x`` in ``def f(x):``)
                - ``KW_ONLY``: keyword only argument (e.g. ``x`` in ``def f(*, x):``)
                - ``VAR_KW``: variable keyword argument (e.g. ``**x`` in ``def f(**x):``)

            metadata: A mapping of user-defined data for the field.
            on_setattr: A sequence of functions called on ``__setattr__``.
            on_getattr: A sequence of functions called on ``__getattr__``.
            alias: An a alias for the field name in the constructor. e.g ``name=x``,
                ``alias=y`` will allow ``obj = Class(y=1)`` to be equivalent to
                ``obj = Class(x=1)``.
        """ = name
        self.type = type
        self.default = default
        self.init = init
        self.repr = repr
        self.kind = kind
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.on_setattr = on_setattr
        self.on_getattr = on_getattr
        self.alias = alias

    def replace(self, **kwargs) -> Field:
        """Replace the field attributes."""
        # define a `replace` method similar to `dataclasses.replace` or namedtuple
        # to allow the user to replace the field attributes.
        return type(self)(**{k: kwargs.get(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in slots(Field)})

    def pipe(self, funcs: Sequence[Callable[[Any], Any]], value: Any):
        """Apply a sequence of functions on the field value."""
        for func in funcs:
            # for a given sequence of unary functions, apply them on the field value
            # and return the result. if an error is raised, emit a descriptive error
                value = func(value)
            except Exception as e:
                # emit a *descriptive* error message with the name of the attribute
                # associated with the field and the name of the function that raised
                # the error.
                cname = getattr(func, "__name__", func)
                raise type(e)(f"On applying {cname} for field=`{}`:\n{e}")
        return value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return the string representation of the field."""
        attrs = [f"{k}={getattr(self, k)!r}" for k in slots(Field)]
        return f"{type(self).__name__}({', '.join(attrs)})"

    def __set_name__(self, owner, name: str) -> None:
        """Set the field name."""
        # set the name of the field to the attribute name in the class
        # and the type to the type hint of the attribute if it exists = name
        # in case the user uses `field` as a descriptor without annotating the class
        if "__annotations__" in (variables := vars(owner)):
            # set the type to the type hint of the attribute if it exists
            self.type = variables.get(name, NULL)

    def __get__(self: T, instance, _) -> T | Any:
        """Return the field value."""
        if instance is None:
            return self
        return self.pipe(self.on_getattr, vars(instance)[])

    def __set__(self: T, instance, value) -> None:
        """Set the field value."""
        vars(instance)[] = self.pipe(self.on_setattr, value)

    def __delete__(self: T, instance) -> None:
        """Delete the field value."""
        del vars(instance)[]

[docs]def field( *, default: Any = NULL, init: bool = True, repr: bool = True, kind: ArgKindType = "POS_OR_KW", metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, # type: ignore on_setattr: Sequence[Any] = (), on_getattr: Sequence[Any] = (), alias: str | None = None, ) -> Field: """Field placeholder for type hinted attributes. Args: default: The default value of the field. init: Whether the field is included in the object's ``__init__`` function. repr: Whether the field is included in the object's ``__repr__`` function. kind: Argument kind, one of: - ``POS_ONLY``: positional only argument (e.g. ``x`` in ``def f(x, /):``) - ``VAR_POS``: variable positional argument (e.g. ``*x`` in ``def f(*x):``) - ``POS_OR_KW``: positional or keyword argument (e.g. ``x`` in ``def f(x):``) - ``KW_ONLY``: keyword only argument (e.g. ``x`` in ``def f(*, x):``) - ``VAR_KW``: variable keyword argument (e.g. ``**x`` in ``def f(**x):``) metadata: A mapping of user-defined data for the field. on_setattr: A sequence of functions to called on ``__setattr__``. on_getattr: A sequence of functions to called on ``__getattr__``. alias: An a alias for the field name in the constructor. e.g ``name=x``, ``alias=y`` will allow ``obj = Class(y=1)`` to be equivalent to ``obj = Class(x=1)``. Example: Type and range validation using :attr:`on_setattr`: >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> @tc.autoinit ... class IsInstance(tc.TreeClass): ... klass: type ... def __call__(self, x): ... assert isinstance(x, self.klass) ... return x <BLANKLINE> >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Range(tc.TreeClass): ... start: int|float = float("-inf") ... stop: int|float = float("inf") ... def __call__(self, x): ... assert self.start <= x <= self.stop ... return x <BLANKLINE> >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Employee(tc.TreeClass): ... # assert employee ``name`` is str ... name: str = tc.field(on_setattr=[IsInstance(str)]) ... # use callback compostion to assert employee ``age`` is int and positive ... age: int = tc.field(on_setattr=[IsInstance(int), Range(1)]) >>> employee = Employee(name="Asem", age=10) >>> print(employee) Employee(name=Asem, age=10) Example: Private attribute using :attr:`alias`: >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Employee(tc.TreeClass): ... # `alias` is the name used in the constructor ... _name: str = tc.field(alias="name") >>> employee = Employee(name="Asem") # use `name` in the constructor >>> print(employee) # `_name` is the private attribute name Employee(_name=Asem) Example: Buffer creation using :attr:`on_getattr`: >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Tree(tc.TreeClass): ... buffer: jax.Array = tc.field(on_getattr=[jax.lax.stop_gradient]) >>> tree = Tree(buffer=jnp.array((1.0, 2.0))) >>> def sum_buffer(tree): ... return tree.buffer.sum() >>> print(jax.grad(sum_buffer)(tree)) # no gradient on `buffer` Tree(buffer=[0. 0.]) Example: Parameterization using :attr:`on_getattr`: >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> def symmetric(array: jax.Array) -> jax.Array: ... triangle = jnp.triu(array) # upper triangle ... return triangle + triangle.transpose(-1, -2) >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Tree(tc.TreeClass): ... symmetric_matrix: jax.Array = tc.field(on_getattr=[symmetric]) >>> tree = Tree(symmetric_matrix=jnp.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)) >>> print(tree.symmetric_matrix) [[ 0 1 2] [ 1 8 5] [ 2 5 16]] Note: - :func:`field` is commonly used to annotate the class attributes to be used by the :func:`autoinit` decorator to generate the ``__init__`` method similar to ``dataclasses.dataclass``. - :func:`field` can be used without the :func:`autoinit` as a descriptor to apply functions on the field values during initialization using the ``on_setattr`` / ``on_getattr`` argument. >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> def print_and_return(x): ... print(f"Setting {x}") ... return x >>> class Tree: ... # `a` must be defined as a class attribute for the descriptor to work ... a: int = tc.field(on_setattr=[print_and_return]) ... def __init__(self, a): ... self.a = a >>> tree = Tree(1) Setting 1 """ if not isinstance(alias, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"Non-string {alias=} argument provided to `field`") if not isinstance(metadata, (dict, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"Non-dict {metadata=} argument provided to `field`") if kind not in ArgKind: raise ValueError(f"{kind=} not in {ArgKind}") if not isinstance(on_setattr, Sequence): raise TypeError(f"Non-sequence {on_setattr=} argument provided to `field`") if not isinstance(on_getattr, Sequence): raise TypeError(f"Non-sequence {on_getattr=} argument provided to `field`") if not isinstance(init, bool): raise TypeError(f"Non-bool {init=} argument provided to `field`") for func in on_setattr: if not isinstance(func, Callable): # type: ignore raise TypeError(f"Non-callable {func=} provided to `field` on_setattr") for func in on_getattr: if not isinstance(func, Callable): raise TypeError(f"Non-callable {func=} provided to `field` on_getattr") return Field( default=default, init=init, repr=repr, kind=kind, metadata=metadata, # type: ignore on_setattr=on_setattr, on_getattr=on_getattr, alias=alias, )
def build_field_map(klass: type) -> dict[str, Field]: field_map: dict[str, Field] = dict() excluded = set(["self", "__post_init__", "__annotations__"]) if klass is object: return dict(field_map) for base in reversed(klass.__mro__[1:]): field_map.update(build_field_map(base)) if (hint_map := vars(klass).get("__annotations__", NULL)) is NULL: return dict(field_map) if excluded.intersection(hint_map): raise ValueError(f"`Field` name cannot be in {excluded=}") for key, hint in hint_map.items(): # get the current base key value = vars(klass).get(key, NULL) if not isinstance(value, Field): # non-`Field` annotation is ignored # non-autoinit base class type hints are ignored continue # in case the user uses mutable defaults or any other user-defined # excluded types, raise an error check_excluded_type(value.default) # case: `x: Any = field(default=1)` field_map[key] = value.replace(name=key, type=hint) return field_map
[docs]def fields(x: Any) -> tuple[Field, ...]: """Returns a tuple of ``Field`` objects for the given instance or class. ``Field`` objects are generated from the class type hints and contains the information about the field information.if the user uses the ``pytreeclass.field`` to annotate. Note: - If the class is not annotated, an empty tuple is returned. - The ``Field`` generation is cached for class and its bases. """ return tuple(build_field_map(x if isinstance(x, type) else type(x)).values())
def convert_hints_to_fields(klass: type[T]) -> type[T]: # convert klass hints to `Field` objects for the current decorated class if (hint_map := vars(klass).get("__annotations__", NULL)) is NULL: return klass for key, hint in hint_map.items(): if not isinstance(value := vars(klass).get(key, NULL), Field): setattr(klass, key, Field(default=value, type=hint, name=key)) return klass def check_duplicate_var_kind(field_map: dict[str, Field]) -> None: # check for duplicate `VAR_POS` and `VAR_KW` arguments seen: set[Literal["VAR_POS", "VAR_KW"]] = set() for field in field_map.values(): if field.kind in ("VAR_POS", "VAR_KW"): # disallow multiple `VAR_POS` and `VAR_KW` arguments # for example more than one field(kind="VAR_POS") is not allowed if field.kind in seen: raise TypeError(f"Duplicate {field.kind=} for {}") seen.add(field.kind) def build_init_method(klass: type[T]) -> type[T]: field_map: dict[str, Field] = build_field_map(klass) check_duplicate_var_kind(field_map) hints = {"return": None} # annotations body: list[str] = [] head: list[str] = ["self"] heads: dict[str, list[str]] = defaultdict(list) for field in field_map.values(): if field.init: # add to field to head and body hints[] = field.type # how to name the field in the constructor alias = field.alias or body += [f"self.{}={alias}"] if field.default is NULL: # e.g. def __init__(.., x) heads[field.kind] += [alias] else: # e.g def __init__(.., x=value) but # pass reference to the default value heads[field.kind] += [f"{alias}=refmap['{}'].default"] else: if field.default is not NULL: # case for fields with `init=False` and no default value # usaully declared in __post_init__ body += [f"self.{}=refmap['{}'].default"] has_post = (key := "__post_init__") in vars(klass) body += [f"self.{key}()"] if has_post else ["pass"] # organize the arguments order: # (POS_ONLY, POS_OR_KW, VAR_POS, KW_ONLY, VAR_KW) head += (heads["POS_ONLY"] + ["/"]) if heads["POS_ONLY"] else [] head += heads["POS_OR_KW"] head += ["*" + "".join(heads["VAR_POS"])] if heads["VAR_POS"] else [] # case for ...(*a, b) and ...(a, *, b) head += ["*"] if (heads["KW_ONLY"] and not heads["VAR_POS"]) else [] head += heads["KW_ONLY"] head += ["**" + "".join(heads["VAR_KW"])] if heads["VAR_KW"] else [] # generate the code for the method code = "def closure(refmap):\n" code += f"\tdef __init__({','.join(head)}):" field_map["__annotations__"] = hints code += f"\n\t\t{';'.join(body)}" code += f"\n\t__init__.__qualname__ = '{klass.__qualname__}.__init__'" code += f"\n\t__init__.__annotations__ = refmap['__annotations__']" code += "\n\treturn __init__" # execute the code in the class namespace to generate the method exec(code, vars(sys.modules[klass.__module__]), namespace := dict()) method = namespace["closure"](field_map) # add the method to the class setattr(klass, "__init__", method) return klass
[docs]@dataclass_transform(field_specifiers=(Field, field)) def autoinit(klass: type[T]) -> type[T]: """A class decorator that generates the ``__init__`` method from type hints. Similar to ``dataclasses.dataclass``, this decorator generates the ``__init__`` method for the given class from the type hints or the :func:`field` objects set to the class attributes. Compared to ``dataclasses.dataclass``, ``autoinit`` with :func:`field` objects can be used to apply functions on the field values during initialization, and/or support multiple argument kinds. Example: >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Tree: ... x: int ... y: int >>> tree = Tree(1, 2) >>> tree.x, tree.y (1, 2) Example: >>> # define fields with different argument kinds >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Tree: ... kw_only_field: int = tc.field(default=1, kind="KW_ONLY") ... pos_only_field: int = tc.field(default=2, kind="POS_ONLY") Example: >>> # define a converter to apply ``abs`` on the field value >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Tree: ... a:int = tc.field(on_setattr=[abs]) >>> Tree(a=-1).a 1 .. warning:: - The ``autoinit`` decorator will is no-op if the class already has a user-defined ``__init__`` method. Note: - In case of inheritance, the ``__init__`` method is generated from the the type hints of the current class and any base classes that are decorated with ``autoinit``. >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> import inspect >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Base: ... x: int >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Derived(Base): ... y: int >>> obj = Derived(x=1, y=2) >>> inspect.signature(obj.__init__) <Signature (x: int, y: int) -> None> - Base classes that are not decorated with ``autoinit`` are ignored during synthesis of the ``__init__`` method. >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> import inspect >>> class Base: ... x: int >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Derived(Base): ... y: int >>> obj = Derived(y=2) >>> inspect.signature(obj.__init__) <Signature (y: int) -> None> Note: Use ``autoinit`` instead of ``dataclasses.dataclass`` if you want to use ``jax.Array`` as a field default value. As ``dataclasses.dataclass`` will incorrectly raise an error starting from python 3.11 complaining that ``jax.Array`` is not immutable. Note: By default ``autoinit`` will raise an error if the user uses mutable defaults. To register an additional type to be excluded from ``autoinit``, use :func:`autoinit.register_excluded_type`, with an optional ``reason`` for excluding the type. >>> import pytreeclass as tc >>> class T: ... pass >>> tc.autoinit.register_excluded_type(T, reason="not allowed") >>> @tc.autoinit ... class Tree: ... x: T = tc.field(default=T()) # doctest: +SKIP Traceback (most recent call last): ... """ return ( klass # if the class already has a user-defined __init__ method # then return the class as is without any modification if "__init__" in vars(klass) # first convert the current class hints to fields # then build the __init__ method from the fields of the current class # and any base classes that are decorated with `autoinit` else build_init_method(convert_hints_to_fields(klass)) )
def register_excluded_type(klass: type, reason: str | None = None) -> None: """Exclude a type from being used in the ``autoinit`` decorator. Args: klass: The type to be excluded. reason: The reason for excluding the type. """ reason = f" {reason=}" if reason is not None else "" @check_excluded_type.register(klass) def _(value) -> None: raise TypeError(f"{value=} is excluded from `autoinit`.{reason}") autoinit.register_excluded_type = register_excluded_type